Function tryParse

  • Utility function that provides a bit cleaner interface for running a parser over a string. Returns undefined in case parser did not match.

    Input string is broken down to characters as [...str] unless you provide a pre-split array.

    Note: this doesn't capture errors thrown during parsing. Nonmatch is considered a part or normal flow. Errors mean unrecoverable state and it's up to client code to decide where to throw errors and how to get back to safe state.


    A matched value or undefined in case of nonmatch.

    Type Parameters

    • TOptions

    • TValue


    • parser: Parser<string, TOptions, TValue>

      A parser to run.

    • str: string | string[]

      Input string or an array of graphemes.

    • options: TOptions

      Parser options.

    Returns TValue | undefined

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